5 Best Frameworks for Cross Platform Mobile App Development

Know About the Popular Cross Platform Mobile App Development Frameworks

The demand of mobile app development is quickly gaining traction in the market. Every business these days wants to create a mobile app that can facilitate its customers. From banks to ecommerce stores, mobile apps have become a necessary thing for everyone. Today, businesses want to capture customers using both Android and iOS devices, which means they need applications built using cross-platform technology. This is the major reason why cross platform mobile app development is gaining demand day by day. It is the process that allows businesses to develop applications for multiple platforms, so that every user can access them easily.

Building a cross platform mobile app is however not an easy task. It requires great technical expertise, as well as knowledge of the latest market trends. This is where many beginners often lack, as they do not know what type of tools and technologies should be used for cross platform mobile app development. Some of them think that conventional tools can be used to build such advanced apps, which is certainly a very wrong approach. This is a process in which you need to work with specialized frameworks that are built for cross platform app development like Xamarin, Cordova and more others.

Unfortunately, many beginners do not know about these tools. This article is therefore a perfect read for them, as it will let them know which type of tools and technologies should be used for cross platform mobile app development. It will highlight some of the best tools that could help you to build quality mobile applications. Furthermore, the blog will also let you know which type of methodologies should be used to simplify mobile app development.

Let us first start from the basics understanding why cross platform mobile app development services are gaining popularity in the market. Let’s take a look at this point in detail below.

What is Cross Platform Mobile App Development?

Mobile app development

Cross-platform mobile app development is a software development approach that enables the creation of mobile applications that can run on multiple operating systems and devices using a single codebase. This approach is particularly valuable because it allows developers to write code once and deploy it on various platforms, such as iOS and Android, reducing the need for duplicating effort and resources in building separate native apps for each platform.

Cross-platform development frameworks and tools provide a way for developers to streamline the app development process, saving time and money. One of the key advantages of cross-platform mobile app development is its cost-effectiveness. Since developers can reuse a significant portion of their codebase across different platforms, it reduces the overall development time and expenses.

This approach also ensures consistency in the user experience across various devices and platforms, as the same codebase is used for all versions of the app. Popular cross-platform mobile app development frameworks like React Native, Flutter, and Xamarin offer a range of pre-built components and libraries that simplify the development process and enable developers to create high-quality apps efficiently.

The Rising Popularity of Cross Platform Mobile App Development

Mobile app UI

The rising popularity of cross-platform mobile app development or online crowdfunding app development can be attributed to several key factors. Firstly, it addresses the increasing demand for mobile applications on both iOS and Android platforms. As the mobile app market continues to grow, businesses and developers seek efficient solutions to reach a wider audience without the added time and resources required for building separate native apps for each platform.

Cross-platform frameworks like React Native, Flutter, and Xamarin offer an appealing alternative by allowing developers to write code once and deploy it across multiple platforms, reducing development costs and time-to-market. This is one of the key reasons why many developers love to work with these frameworks. They are not only good at easing the work, but also streamlining different tasks that actually requires a lot of time.

Another factor contributing to the popularity of cross-platform development is the rapid advancement of these frameworks. They have evolved significantly in terms of performance, flexibility, and access to native device features. Modern mobile app development tools offer better support for native-like user interfaces and have extensive libraries and plugins for integrating with device-specific functionalities, further bridging the gap between cross-platform and native app development. This has made cross-platform development more appealing for businesses and developers who prioritize a smooth user experience and a polished look and feel.

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Best Cross Platform Mobile App Development Frameworks in 2023

If you are planning to build a cross platform mobile app for real estate like Dubai REST, you need to first know about the development frameworks that are popular in the market. A lot of times, beginners do not even know about these frameworks, and yet they try to start developing mobile apps straight away.

It is certainly a wrong approach, because you must need to first know about the frameworks that are recommended for development. Let’s take a look at some of the popular names among them known in the industry today.


Ionic logo

Ionic is a popular open-source mobile app development framework that has gained significant traction in the world of cross-platform app development. One of its standout features is its ability to create high quality, native-like mobile applications for various platforms, such as iOS, Android, and the web, using a single codebase. Ionic primarily utilizes web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build mobile apps, and it combines these technologies with a wide range of pre-designed UI components and a robust development ecosystem.

Ionic offers a rich set of UI components and pre-built templates that enable developers to create visually appealing and responsive user interfaces. The framework’s user-friendly approach to design and development makes it a top choice for those looking to streamline app creation while maintaining a consistent user experience across different platforms. The use of web technologies also simplifies the learning curve for web developers, allowing them to transition into mobile application development with relative ease.

Ionic is built on top of Angular, a popular JavaScript framework, which provides a powerful foundation for creating dynamic and feature-rich applications. However, Ionic is not limited to Angular and can also be used with other web frameworks like React and Vue.js. This is one of the key utilities of the framework that makes it a top choice for mobile app developers, especially those that are working on Android apps.


Xamarin logo

Xamarin is a prominent mobile app development framework that is widely known for its ability to create native mobile applications for iOS, Android, and Windows using a shared C# codebase. Xamarin leverages the Mono runtime, which is an open-source implementation of the .NET framework, allowing developers to write code in C# and share it across multiple platforms. This framework is appealing to developers and businesses looking for efficient cross-platform app development while maintaining the performance and user experience advantages of native apps.

One of the key strengths of Xamarin is its capacity to provide truly native experiences. Xamarin apps can access platform-specific APIs, features, and functionality, ensuring that they look, feel, and perform like native applications. This is particularly important for smartwatch apps that require a high level of performance, responsiveness, or deep integration with device-specific features. Xamarin’s close alignment with the underlying operating systems makes it a top choice for companies and developers aiming to deliver seamless, high-quality user experiences.

Xamarin also offers a rich ecosystem of tools and libraries, including Xamarin.Forms, which enables developers to build cross-platform user interfaces with a single codebase. This facilitates code sharing and accelerates the development process. Additionally, Microsoft’s acquisition of Xamarin in 2016 has brought even greater support and integration with Visual Studio, one of the most popular integrated development environments (IDEs) for app development.


Flutter logo

Flutter is a renowned name in the circuit of mobile app development around the world. Developers simply love this platform because it provides plethora of features for mobile app development. Not just Android, but Flutter can be used for the development of iOS apps as well. This is the major reason why developers from both sides prefer to use Flutter. They don’t have to switch platforms while developing Android and iOS apps. Flutter gives them the flexibility to remain on one platform and manage all types of dev jobs easily.

Developed by Google, Flutter offers a single codebase platform that allows developers to build natively compiled applications for mobile, web and desktop platforms. The framework has gained immense popularity due to its powerful performance. The apps built with Flutter are therefore more preferred by the businesses, because they also know about the tools that are rated top in the market.

One of the key features that makes Flutter a great choice for app development is the availability of hot reload. Like React Native, this feature is also present in Flutter, giving developers a great leverage to change the code and analyze the results immediately. Apart from that, Flutter also provides a widget-based architecture that allows developers to build advanced UI components on the go.

React Native

React logo

When it comes to specify the top app development framework that is loved by everyone, the name of React Native always comes at the first place. It is a popular cross platform mobile app development framework that is used by thousands of developers around the world. They understand the utility of this framework, as how powerful it is in developing all types of mobile applications. From banking to clothing mobile apps, React provides the edge to develop applications that can fulfill all your demands.

Another reason that makes React a top choice of developers is that it is a completely free open-source framework. This means that developers can easily use it to build applications for both Android and iOS devices efficiently. They just need to come up with a proper technical knowledge to master this framework because absolute beginners can face difficulties while using it.

The good thing is that React allows you to use existing knowledge of JavaScript to build quality mobile apps. This means that if you have got the expertise on JavaScript, then you can easily start working with React after understanding the framework context. It is also the major reason why many JavaScript developers have quickly adopted this framework. They found stunning ease in using this framework which is indeed quite advanced as compared to others.


Nodejs logo

Node.js is a powerful app development framework built on the Chrome V8 JavaScript engine. It offers a stunning open-source environment that allows developers to build advanced server side networking apps. The good thing about Node.js is that it can help multiple concurrent connections together. This means that developers can work with different networks while staying inside a single platform using Node.js. This is certainly a powerful feature that makes Node.js a quite different cross platform mobile app development framework in the market.

Node.js comes up with a huge library of advanced JavaScript modules. It is a great reward for the developers, because having such a great stock inside the framework reduces their job to find anything from outside. Though in some cases, external libraries are required, but these instances only arise when the task is more complicated.

Talking about the core benefits of the framework, Node.js is considered highly fast in executing different APIs. The usage of Chrome V8 engine is the major reason behind this fast speed. It also provides a single threaded model to develop smooth functioning applications. That is why developers simply love to use Node.js whenever they are required to create advanced web apps having the functionality of connected APIs.

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Final Words

That takes us to the end of this blog in which we have discussed different cross platform mobile app development frameworks that are currently popular in the market. These frameworks are quite advanced, as they allow you to work with different modules and features efficiently. However, to do that, you must need to have a strong technical knowledge. If you will ignore that, then none of these frameworks will come handy for you in cross platform mobile app development. This blog has listed some of the top frameworks that you should learn today, as they provide various benefits to develop quality cross platforms apps with ease.

Meanwhile, if you don’t have a technical background and are looking for a company that could help you to develop cross platform mobile apps, give us a quick call today. We have got plenty of experience in this field, and our experts can help you to develop quality mobile apps effortlessly.

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